Lion Guardians

Conserving Lions and Preserving Cultures
LION GUARDIANS is a non-profit organization in Kenya led by Dr. Leela Hazzah and Dr. Stephanie Dolrenry whose work is based on acquiring a deep understanding of the traditional Maasai culture and encouraging behavioral changes within that culture to save lions, instead of killing them. Traditional Maasai herdsmen are becoming Lion Guardians to assist in protecting both lions and cattle. What I love about their work is that it supports, educates, and creates opportunity for the Maasai to engage directly in the conservation of lions, creatures that they share their immediate environment and livelihoods with.
Nature Lover
I am personally passionate about animals and the environment and support organizations that I see genuinely making a difference whether “on the ground” or “under the water” or in my own neighborhood.

Town & Country Magazine, June/July 2017
Copyright Philip J. Briggs
Jewels and Conservation
While working on my Haute Couture collection, The Big Game from The Golden Menagerie, it was reaffirmed to me over and over again that the biggest threat to animals in this world is us - human encroachment. We are devouring the environment, literally robbing the space and resources from the creatures that we share this earth with. Effective conservation in these times must be grounded through human partnership. Without question our habits have to change.
18K Standing Lion Pendant

Copyright Philip J. Briggs
The Lion Cub Collection
Temple St. Clair supports LION GUARDIANS by donating proceeds from each and every piece of my new Lion Cub collection sold in stores and online. We are helping those who were once lion hunters to become LION GUARDIANS.